ICID Message

[Africa 2023] The 4th International Symposium and Exhibition on Water Storage and Hydropower Development in Africa is Open for Registration

The 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Water Storage and Hydropower Development in Africa, an African regional conference co-organized by Aqua Media International and ICOLD in partnership with the Government of Uganda, will bring together experts from around the world to focus on specific issues related to water storage and hydropower development in Africa. Transboundary programs for inter-regional cooperation, challenging sites and climate resilience, and capacity-building training are key themes on the agenda.

The event will take place at the Speke Resort Munyonyo Conference Centre in Lake Victoria from 10 to 12 July 2023. It will be a three-day conference, with workshops and training seminars before the conference and a visit from the hydroelectric program afterward. Registration is now open and early bird discounts close on May 19th.

For more information, please refer to the event website for more details.